
August 18 - Hack Day

Thu 8AM-5PM

Hypermedia Hacking : The ALPS Microblogging Challenge

For this hackday attendees are encouraged to explore the ALPS microblogging specification and create a client or server using their favourite language/framework. Attendees can bring along their clients and/or server to try and talk to other attendee's clients/servers.

There will also be an opportunity for authors of the clients and servers to do short demonstrations of their implementations. Hackday is an opportunity to write some code, read some code, test some code and learn a whole lot in the process and leave with a better understand of what does and does not work in the real world.

NOTE: All attendees who complete a working client or server will be awarded a Nerd Merit Badge!

Social Event: Greenville Drivers Baseball Game

August 19 - Tutorial Day

Fri 8 AM - 8:30 AM
Check-in & Coffee
  8:30 AM - 11:30 AM

A smorgasbord of HTTP middleware

 - by Darrel Miller

  11:30 AM - 1 PM Lunch 
  1 PM - 4:30 PM

Link Relations : An Overview

 - by Mike Amundsen

August 19 & 20 - Main Conference Schedule

6:30PM Additional Check-in
  7:00PM Welcome and Opening Remarks
  7:30PM Opening Session, Keynote Address
  8:30PM Hack Room Pitches

9:00PM Esspresso, Open Spaces/Hacking ('til 10PM-ish)

Sat 8AM-5PM Hack Rooms open all day

8:30AM Session Speakers (main room)

8:00AM Morning Coffee

8:30AM Morning Extended Talks

10:00AM Morning FiveInFive Talks & Breakouts

Noon Lunch break

1:00PM Afternoon Extended Talks

2:30PM Afternoon FiveInFive Talks & Breakouts

5:00PM Closing Session ('til 5:30PM-ish)

6:30PM After Party!
